Dental crowns are a common part of smile restoration, as they can be used to repair teeth that are chipped, cracked, broken, or damaged by decay. They are also very easy to care for at home. If you look after your dental crowns according to the following instructions, they could last for many years or even decades without needing to be repaired or replaced.

How to clean dental crowns

Cleaning dental crowns is easy. Whether they are fixed to your own teeth or supported by dental implants, you can simply treat them as you treat your natural teeth. Brush the crown with a manual or electric toothbrush and your preferred brand of toothpaste. As with your natural teeth, you should brush crowns at least twice a day, taking a minimum of two minutes to clean your whole mouth. Daily flossing is also important. Your family dentist can show you how to floss around your crown to make sure that no plaque builds up on your new dental work.

What can you eat with dental crowns?

Crowns and dental implants are strong and can allow you to enjoy all your favorite foods. Although you might experience some tenderness immediately after the crown is placed, within a few days you should be able to enjoy a wide range of foods without tooth or gum pain spoiling your appetite. The only type of food to watch out for is very sticky foods, such as toffee or caramel, which can stick to the crown or even dislodge it. Try to limit how often you eat these foods and chew them carefully, using teeth on the other side of your mouth if possible.

What to do if a dental crown falls out?

If a dental crown falls out while you are eating, place it in a secure zip-top plastic bag until you can get to the dentist. If you have mouth pain, then contact an emergency dentistry service right away. The dentist might be able to reattach the crown, or you might need to have a new one made for you.

How your family dentist can care for your crown

Once a crown has been fitted, you should continue to make regular dental visits. At each dental checkup, the dentist will assess the health of your natural teeth and gums, and check that your crowns are firmly fixed in place. If a crown needs reattaching or repairing, your family dentist can arrange this treatment for you.

When to seek help with your dental crowns

If a crown seems loose or smells bad, then make a dentist appointment as soon as possible, as these signs can mean that the cement holding the crown in place is not working properly. Bacteria can creep in under ill-fitting crowns and start to multiply, so it�s important to have a dental checkup to make sure the crown is firmly fixed in place. Your family dentist can care for your crowns, helping you to maintain a healthy smile.


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