Post-Op Instructions – Root Canal Therapy

In most cases, root canal therapy involves two appointments at our dental office. If we use anesthetic during your appointment, your teeth, lips, cheeks, and tongue may be numb for several hours afterwards. Avoid eating and chewing until the numbness has completely worn off.

A temporary filling or crown is placed to protect the tooth between appointments; it is not unusual for a small portion of the temporary restoration to break off or wear away. This is not a problem, but if the entire filling falls out or if the temporary crown comes off, please call us as soon as possible so it can be replaced. Avoid eating sticky or hard foods, and try to chew only on the opposite side of the mouth to protect the tooth and keep the temporary crown or filling in place.

You may experience some discomfort for a few days following the root canal appointment, especially when chewing and eating. Take pain medication as recommended to control discomfort. You may also want to rinse three times per day with warm salt water (put one teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water) to further reduce pain and swelling.

If our dentists prescribe an antibiotic, continue to take the medication as prescribed, even if the symptoms of infection subside.

The last step in root canal therapy is usually the placement of a permanent dental crown. The crown restores the structure and function of the tooth and protects it from future damage. If your bite feels uneven after the crown has been placed, or if you have persistent swelling or pain, please call our dental office.

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